Welcome to Mtoto-Mti!
Mtoto-Mti is nothing short of a dream: to teach children about their natural environment and to help children who are deprived of a natural environment.
The words ”mtoto” and ”mti” mean ”child” and ”tree” in Kiswahili, one of the most widespread languages in the east of the Africa.
Starting point for me personally is the southern city of Lubumbashi in the DR Congo. The animals, plants and trees in this beautiful subtropical area I grew up with and that surrounded me during childhood are a daily African inspiration to me. So that’s where the idea for Mtoto-Mti was born from! (*)
While living far from Lubumbashi nowadays, everywhere I go, I increasingly value (wild) nature and see the importance of learning our children to get in touch with it as much as possible. It’s just a wonderful feeling to enjoy the outdoors!
You migth say that my years spent in this extraordinary part of Africa, still little known by tourists, has opened my eyes, literally, and conscience. Like a little seed that was planted in me.
In many places I go ever since, I see natural beauty. In every season and in every place. Unfortunately, the youngest generation of our planet does not always have access to these natural wonders of life. And many times children have lots of other things to worry about or other temptations that distract them.
The concept of the Mtoto-Mti project is that when children learn to know and get the chance to be fascinated by the wildlife, the plants and the trees and the natural landscapes that surround them, happiness and health are within reach of every child! Their hearts will beat to the rhythm of nature and this will directly lead to the respect and love that our planet so much needs and that our children truly yearn for!
By means of Mtoto-Mti, my aim is to contribute in bringing nature (back) into the conscience and the upbringing of children who are in a state of distress because of the lack of it in their surroundings. Or because of the distance that was created between them and nature still available. This could take place everywhere, for example by organizing (local) workshops or by an online educational program.
Last, but not least, I very much would like to set up a charitable project in the city where all has started for me. The kids growing up arround the mines of Lubumbashi can really use every bit of our help and attention! It’s not fair for them having to suffer because of global issues. The inequal situation they are in at the moment is just unbearable. Let’s act now and help them in achieving a more healthy environment to grow up in! Read for more information below this introduction!
Changing the ‘unnatural’ situation many children are experiencing today is a not evident. Therefore we cannot give up! The importance of living a natural lifestyle cannot be overrated. So every small step taken is a win and means a huge change in the life of those involved! So every initiative should be encouraged! This is my sincere conviction.
I warmly invite you to do this together and to help making a big difference for those children in need!
Warm-hearted greetings,
(*) It has been investigated that exposure in a positive way to experiences in nature before hitting puberty creates a lifelong bond with nature!
This project truly puts children & nature in the first place! More specific, the children growing up in the mining town of Lubumbashi in the south east of the DR Congo. In this section, I will keep you updated about the charitable actions that I would like to develop. It is the core of Mtoto-Mti! The reason of it being founded. View the current status here!
Learning in and by our natural environment? It is something every child deserves! So why not start immediately in my own place? I look forward to contribute my own share in offering the possibility to children to experience for themselves what nature can bring them! Together with like-minded partners or individually, I therefore would like to start setting up creative and natural workshops all year long. More news to come!
ART AND CREATIVITY: A story about ”The adventures of Kawa”, hand made items and more!
In this part of the website, I would like to offer you a glimpse of the story ”The adventures of Kawa” that takes you with a boy – Kawa – and his bird to Africa! This story has everything to do with the Mtoto-Mti project! I started writing it at the same time that I started dreaming and imagining the setting up of the project Mtoto-Mti !The story is a great way for me to learn, express and shape my ideas about nature conservation, in general and in the DR Congo in particular. I hope I will be soon able to finish it and publish it, partly as a means of fundraising. But foremost, it would be great if this story could inspire children and teenagers likewise. I hope one day they will become big fans of Kawa or even become just like Kawa himself :)! Who knows. Find out more here.
Sometimes words are not enough. On this page, you will find a collection of works that I created and that have a connection to the Mtoto-Mti project. Like for example paintings and drawings or sketches about nature conservation and balanced living in harmony with our surroundings. Ideas expressed by images!
And for sure, not to forget, I hereby would like to show you my own fashion ideas that expresses my wish for unity in diversity: La Manera Mixta/Kangaworld.
If there are any items that you’d like to purchase, please send me a message. Everything is made on exclusive order (if not in stock) and a percentage will be used to sponsor the Mtoto-Mti projects.
Can you make a donation?
Yes, you surely can! You can either support the Mtoto-Mti project by becoming a donor or by becoming a volunteer (see below). If you do so, you will help children in living a greener life and in getting that contact with nature they so much deserve and need!
For more information about my current project ideas, you are very welcome to send a personal message to mtotomti@gmail.com. If you would like to already have a glimpse at what project ideas are already being conceived, take a further look at this website (See the charitable project and the workshops). Thank you so much beforehand!
MASCOT ”Kawa and his bird”
Please do send me an e-mail if you are the creative person that would like to design the Mtoto-Mti mascot or other fundraising products!
Have you been inspired just like me by reading the above project ideas and do you want to create a greener future for children by your own hands and by bringing in your personal know-how? Please feel mostly welcome to join this initiative! If you are interested in providing or carrying out fundraising initiatives, internships, research opportunities and/or freelance work, do contact me! And let’s find out how far we can go together :)! Your input will always be highly valued and appreciated.
Please send your ideas or your application to mtotomti@gmail.com. You’re very welcome get in touch!
You’re warmly invited to follow the sections on this website and on my facebookpage for the latest news! Mail to mtotomti@gmail.com to connect personally. Let’s talk about your impressions or proposals and create common goals in an open and respectful way.